Tuesday, August 16, 2005

css Zen Garden

While preparing a presentation to the Saint Louis Web Developers Group on CSS, I renewed my interest in css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design. If you are even mildly interested in the capabilities of CSS, you need to check it out.

To the members of STL Web Dev, my presentation and notes will be available on http://webdev.barasch.com on Wednesday, 17 August 2005.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Tech FAQ

Every once in a while, you are searching for some arcane piece of knowledge and you find a real gem. I was looking for hints on how to boost my wireless network at home and found The Tech FAQ.

Within its confines are answers in generally easy terms for all my crazy tech questions. Like, “what is Athlon-64?” or “How can I fix my wireless signal?”.

I got answers/suggestions to all these questions except why my laptop keeps dropping the signal.