Friday, July 21, 2006

Warning to Commenters

You may think it is cute to leave comments on my blogs that are essentially an advertisement. I will not give you advertising space. When I find ads or offensive comments, they are immediately removed.

FavIcon from Pics

How often do you find a site that is offering a service that you say, “Wow! Why didn’t someone think of this sooner?”.

I built a FAVICON a couple years ago but realized lately that I had the syntax for displaying it all wrong. I did a Google for favicon and found FavIcon from Pics.

What is so cool is that I can create a picture (simpler is better) in my favorite graphics application and upload to them for an immediate conversion. Now when you go to my main site, your browser displays my stylized A in the address and if you save the Favorite, in the list.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

National Atlas

My whole life I have been fascinated by maps. I think it started when my parents gave me a globe and atlas while I was still in kindergarten. The National Atlas has such things as GIS layers of territorial acquisitions, election results, places, nighttime lights, etc..

Now if you are a total map freak (like me!), you will love a list of links to Anonometric maps. I'm still looking for a wall map of St. Louis that I like.